I have been told by a very reliable source that the higher ups in Lee County's Department of Community Development have put out the word to the planning and zoning staff to put the brakes on all development ! This is very interesting, since I have also been told by two different members of staff that they are trying to review projects by reading the "Tea Leaves" (while from their offices
they point in the direction of the administration building) on which way the BOCC is leaning and what they want and not if a project correctly meets the letter of the LDC (Lee Development Code) and the Lee Plan. Of course, those same people have over the years written and amended the codes, so there is always within the code some fine print saying that they have the discretion to deny a project for no reason. (... is not consistent with the intent and provisions of Goal 2 of the Lee Plan.) These actions by staff only act as a hidden tax on the residents. Someone has to pay for the constant delays, extractions and addition payments to all the consultants that are needed to get through the arcane process. The thought being...it's ok, just pass the extra costs on to the big bad developer. Staff has never understood where the money comes from... (hint it is not the applicant in the end). But staff will never think they are the cause of any road blocks. It is always the applicant's fault. But who knows what hidden agenda staff may have in regards to the project being reviewed. Also, no one knows how the different departments work in concert to throw up continuing road blocks for the applicant's team to try and work around. Remember they are just reading the "Tea Leaves"!
This is sort of funny. I could have sworn that this is what we elected our five (5) county commissioners for, to make informed decisions, with the staff giving unfiltered information to the Board, so they can try and make good and fair decisions for the county's best interests when they are voting. They should not be voting on what the staff thinks the BOCC wants to hear! Now you have to wonder, who's glasses are the Board looking through and who is trying to manipulate the information? Remember, "We are just reading the Tea Leaves".

This is sort of funny. I could have sworn that this is what we elected our five (5) county commissioners for, to make informed decisions, with the staff giving unfiltered information to the Board, so they can try and make good and fair decisions for the county's best interests when they are voting. They should not be voting on what the staff thinks the BOCC wants to hear! Now you have to wonder, who's glasses are the Board looking through and who is trying to manipulate the information? Remember, "We are just reading the Tea Leaves".
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