Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A One Page Vision for our County's Planning & Zoning

Let's try to create a one page Vision statement for our Counties Planning and Zoning.

1. Create a Shared Vision for the Future . . . and Stick to It

2. Provide Diverse Housing Types and Opportunities

Encourage mixed-use development: Integrating different land uses and varied building types allows people to work and play near where they live.

4. Use Multiple Connections to Enhance Mobility and Circulation

Build vibrant public spaces: Public places should be welcoming and well-defined linked green ways (pedestrian/bike)

Conserve landscapes: Open space and wildlife habitat should be accommodated and preserved.

Design on a human scale: Compact, pedestrian-friendly communities should be promoted.

8. Design Matters

9. Protect environmental resources

10. Staff accountability matters.

11. Make It Easy to Do the Right Thing

We will in the next week define each area of this Vision Statement. Even without the definitions, I can guarantee you that the results will be better than the existing 4" thick, three ring binder, open to any interpretation zoning code. It is a document of negative actions by defining what you are not allowed to do. Are any of us happy with the results of the current code?

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