Friday, September 14, 2007

Smart Code

If the you were not excited with our proposal for the county to change to a "Form Based Code", how about a Smart Code as written by DPZ. Both of these alternatives are much better than our existing bureaucratic mess.

Here is the explanation from the first page of the "Smart Code" web site.

Welcome to Smart Code Central

The Smart Code is a model design and development code released by Duany Plater-Zyberk and Company (DPZ) in 2003, after two decades of research and implementation.

The Smart Code is the only unified transect-based code available for all scales of planning, from the region to the community to the block and building. As a form-based code, it keeps towns compact and rural lands open, while reforming the destructive sprawl-producing patterns of separated-use zoning. The Smart Code is designed for calibration to your town or neighborhood.

Smart Code Central collects all the important components of Smart Code planning in one place. We provide up-to-date files of the latest versions of the model Smart Code, we offer supplementary Modules and Plug-Ins, and we link to all the calibrators, attorneys, and town planners who do significant work with the Smart Code.

Smart Code Central is for everyone who wants to conserve, create, and complete good places — all along the Transect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.