Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lee County Growth

In an earlier post, I mentioned the "Mann Manifesto" and the BOCC's reexamination of the county and growth. Back in April, the Creative Class Group with Richard Florida published this post about a new study of "urban scaling" by researchers affiliated with the Santa Fe Institute it promises to change the way we think about cities. The study is here. It seems to me, that what really need to happen is the BOCC needs to have a a well thoughtout clear vision of our area and a positive view of growth. If you look at the River District plan that DPZ created through charrettes with all interested parties, it is really a good matrix and roadmap of how the district should develop. It is not a plan that is rigid and stagnate, adopted and left to be administered and manipulated by the staff to fit the prevailing political winds.

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